She’s so grown now..

She is our girl,

One and only,

In a blink of an eye, she is so grown now..

Full of energy, cheeky, wild, handful and oh so fun.. I know I don’t blog about her lots. In fact I have not been blogging for the longest time..

I used to say:”when the boys are bigger, it will easier, I will have more time, I can do ABC OR I can meet XYZ more…. ”

The truth is, the truth is,

It never get easier,

I will not ever have more time(only less given time is ticking all the time!)

So live in the present, enjoy the present, live now, live well….. and that’s what I have been doing..

Christmas season 

The tree is up just 12 hours ago, with the help of daddy and all the little one. Mummy just sit and chill and watch it being setup. 

As the advent season begin. We been listening to Christmas song…Daddy been playing a lot of Christmas song by Andrea Bocelli. 

Excerpt from wiki:-

Andrea Bocelli, OMRI, OMDSM (Italian pronunciation: [anˈdrɛːa boˈtʃɛlli]; born 22 September 1958) is an Italian classical crossover tenor, recording artist, and singer-songwriter.[1][2] Born with poor eyesight, he became permanently blind at the age of 12 following a football accident.

Want to know more? Google him la. 

The first time daddy came across his song was the one with muppet

And went on to YouTube for more of his song. 

He is one of the renowned world Tenor. If you can, go read about his early life and his challenges of being born with congenital glaucoma, make it a fun activity with your kids. God is great and each and everyone of us is given enough to make the best out of our life. Each of us are entitle to create our own miracle if we want to.. 

This happened a little while ago and I shared it over my Facebook. 
⏰⏰⏱⏰⏰WE ARE LATE! ⏰⏰⏱⏰⏰
9yo had an early basketball 🏀 tournament at 7.30am. I have to say he anticipated it very much and have had actually everything including his clothes, water, bag ready the night before. 

But when I woke up, the clock shows 7.40am, school is 15min drive away. 
I woke him up and scream “Manfred basketball!” 
He woke up crying cause he was late…. he said he missed it already, he don’t want to go cause his friends is going to laugh at him and he is afraid teacher yap will scold….


daddy reminded that sportsmanship is not like that one…… must GO, so I dragged him into the car.. he was still sobbing 😭 

Totally no scolding or pushing blame today. I shared with him I had my share of being late both to work those day, and I was still late to church the day before, but I still go… 
Conclusion was,he went, maybe his day hasn’t started off as good as he pictured, same goes to mine,i wish to unwind the clock and undo this but I can’t, so we make do of what’s best. A very plus point out of this event was, he was able to express to me why he was upset, he was expressing his worry, sadness instead of just sobbing away….
He played, there are 3 in his group but 1 didn’t come, so it was 2 against 3’and they lost to red team….. but he went, and he played… praise the Lord we have tomorrow🤗we can always try again

This blog started almost 10years ago on a boring night when I was a first time expectant mother. I have very little expectation or rather objective of why I started this blog in the first place. But I’m an impromptu person and at times I kick start something just cause it feels right. You only live once YOLO and I promised myself that I will try to live. 
While Chinese saying 无心插柳柳成荫,this blog transform from my journal of pregnancy to delivery to motherhood to initially 1, then 2 and 3……….

(People were asking me to stop pro-create by then….. oh yes.. trust me there are people like that.. ) 

But well, it’s our own life and we make our own tough decision, or rather st times HE is the one and only and solely author of our life. 

I become a mother to 4…. proud mother to 3 princes and 1 princessses. I met a lot of wonderful friends via blogging. And at one stage, everyone sort of abandoned the blogging and everyone is connected on Facebook. Oh ya. I am guilty of neglecting this space and spending too much time on Facebook. But as long as I get to stay in connect with those matters to me. I think I’m good. Recently I even started to learn to use instagram just so I can know what’s happening with a few of my bestsie whom I only get to meet once every year or once every 2 years. 

Being a mom, being a woman is really not easy. We often succumbed to social pressure, other people’s expectation, judgemental advises etc…While I’m grateful for the invention of social media where connecting with people become so easy, I have also seen the dark side of mothers, women, wife, seek advise on a forum and receive awful judgmental comments…. 

I have seen enough of women being beaten to rock bottom simply due to very awful judgement…. only if everyone could practice

More compassion…..

I was once judgmental, and Im putting a stop to it. 

Who is the teacher 

Who is the teacher?
💬Does she know A,B,C? 

💬Can she count 1,2,3?
She is turning 2 in 2months time. She is the child that I never bothered to teach her anything. 
Irresponsible parent you may call me. I do not deny I struggle to do what I did with M when I had only 1 child. He was attending special infant classes, we give him undivided attention etc. 
But it is more of I finally realize and accept that children is actually the teacher of our life. We are the students. For one they taught me how to love when I thought I already knew it. 
She taught me to identify others love language and speak their language. 
This girl, her very dominant love language is definitely “Physical touch”. Notice she want leaning towards me a few times and she was actually giving m lots of kisses and she sure enjoy being hugged, caress and kisses 
We were singing to the tune of Elmo and Feist 1,2,3,4 😝yes it is still a hit in our household